Kamis, 07 Juni 2012
How to apply Schengen visa at Deutsche Embassy
Assalamualaikum everyone!
This time i want to share about how to apply visa Schengen, especially if you apply to Deutsche embassy.
First of all, you must make an appointment to deutshe embassy. You can make it on website www.jakarta.diplo.de. You can download the application there.
Second, you must complete ALL the requirement to apply visa there, especially the important thing like complete the application, assurance, photo(must be 80%)face, flight and hotel booking, siup your company (if you had work).
But this is important i must tell you, the embassy must sure you have a work in Indonesia, if you're still student you must have statement letter from you school that you're student of your school. because they don't want us to apply work there and go back to Indonesia. The form must complete,what visa you apply?
When you're interview by admin, you must calm, dont hesitate to ask them what document you must complete or how to complete it. Don't angry if you visa cannot be applied if your document not complete. They just follow the rule. Haha.. Because i failed 2 times to apply visa schengen at deutshe embassy because my document not complete.:p
Just pray,try, and passion.. Oh ya, this condition not valid if you apply with travel agent.. But it,s not a guarantee too..haha..good luck!
*nb : my visa is being proccess wish me luck!
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Maybe someday if I need a visa :D
BalasHapusI am coming here because of your hijab tutorial on Youtube, looks easy to apply, yet the result is SO elegant.. Thank you :)